Apakah sudah waktunya membeli emas atau bersiap menghadapi penurunan?

Harga emas mengalami penurunan yang signifikan menyusul kemenangan telak Donald Trump dalam pemilihan presiden AS baru-baru ini. Hasil ini telah menyebabkan lonjakan dolar AS, yang mencapai titik tertinggi dalam empat bulan, dan kenaikan imbal hasil Treasury, yang menciptakan tekanan ke bawah pada emas. Analis, termasuk James Hyerczyk dari FX Empire, telah mencatat bahwa para pedagang mengunci keuntungan di tengah pergeseran pasar ini, dengan emas sekarang menghadapi uji support kritis di dekat rata-rata pergerakan 50 hari di sekitar $2.636,66. Keputusan suku bunga Federal Reserve yang akan datang menambah ketidakpastian lebih lanjut di pasar.

Ketegangan di Timur Tengah memicu kenaikan harga emas!

Di tengah meningkatnya ketegangan geopolitik di Timur Tengah dan data ekonomi penting dari AS, harga emas melonjak ke rekor tertinggi. Investor tengah menghadapi ketidakpastian, mulai dari potensi pemangkasan suku bunga Federal Reserve hingga pemilihan presiden AS mendatang, menjadikan emas sebagai aset safe haven yang difavoritkan.

Meroketnya Harga emas di tengah perang Israel-Hamas

Harga emas baru-baru ini menunjukkan pemulihan signifikan, naik lebih dari 1,0 diperdagangkan pada kisaran $2.660 per troy ounce. Kenaikan ini sebagian besar didorong oleh meningkatnya ketegangan geopolitik menyusul invasi tentara Israel ke Lebanon, sehingga meningkatkan permintaan emas sebagai aset safe-haven. Sejumlah faktor telah berkontribusi terhadap pergerakan harga emas baru-baru ini.

Emas dan Perak Naik Lagi

Pasar emas saat ini mengalami momentum positif, dengan harga diperdagangkan di wilayah yang menguntungkan pada chart harian. Meskipun dibatasi oleh batas atas kenaikan lima bulan dan level tertinggi sepanjang masa, prospek keseluruhan tetap bullish karena berbaga peristiwa terkini.

Entry Point – Aluminum

Trafigura says aluminum’s rally has reached its limit as supplies recover. Trafigura analyst Henry Wang notes increased supply and weak demand. He also notes declining manufacturing demand outside of China. “We’re seeing a very bleak demand picture right now,” Wang stressed at the CRU World Aluminum Conference in London. He noted that the price increase…

Gold continues to be bought

Yesterday at the American session, the investment bank Goldman Sachs, one of the largest in the United States, confirmed its forecast for gold, foreshadowing its possible rise to $2,700 per troy ounce by the end of 2024 with the potential to reach $3,130 amid increased demand from global central banks. China is particularly active in…

Copper – also into space

In order to fill the market’s potential copper deficit of 8 million tons by 2034, mining companies need prices above $10,000 – $12,000 per ton. Trafigura CEO Jeremy Weir says copper needs to rise above $10,000 to meet demand. The announcement was made Tuesday during a presentation at the CRU World Copper Conference in Santiago,…

This rocket will launch soon

Forecasts for 2024 from industry analysts, including The Silver Institute, point to the prospect of a fourth consecutive annual silver shortage, as well as a second record level of demand. As GOLDSEEK notes, silver could rise in price to $35–50 per ounce this year. This is also evidenced by the sentiments of market participants, which…

The Silver Institute predicts strong demand for silver

Global silver demand is forecast to reach 1.2 billion ounces in 2024, which could be the second-highest level on record. Increased industrial production is the main catalyst for growth in global demand for the white metal, with the sector set to hit a new annual high this year. In the short term, investments in much…