
Peristiwa ekonomi penting, idea pelaburan, analitik dan ramalan pasaran.

Gas Asli: Musim sejuk akan datang!

Harga gas asli telah mengalami turun naik yang ketara disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor global. Penurunan penggunaan tenaga di Amerika Syarikat…

Ketidakpastian Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) mengalami penurunan dalam perdagangan awal pada hari Jumaat, 6 September, setelah mengalami penurunan lebih daripada 3% pada hari…

Goncangan Pasaran Minyak: Beli atau Jual?

Harga minyak baru-baru ini mengalami tren menurun, dipengaruhi oleh jangkaan peningkatan pengeluaran OPEC+ mulai bulan Oktober. Selain itu, tanda-tanda permintaan…

Emas dan Perak Sedang Naik Semula

Pasaran emas kini mengalami momentum positif, dengan harga berada dalam kedudukan yang menguntungkan pada carta harian. Walaupun dihadkan oleh sempadan…

Cita-cita Pertumbuhan YEN

Pasangan mata wang USDJPY mengalami penurunan ketara selepas kenyataan dovish oleh Pengerusi Federal Reserve Jerome Powell pada hari Jumaat lalu.…

Melabur dalam Crypto: Pemangkin Utama

Bagaimana Kelulusan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan Bursa (SEC) dan Sokongan Politik Membentuk Peluang Pelaburan. Pasaran mata wang kripto telah mengalami lonjakan…

Entry Point – Aluminum

Trafigura says aluminum’s rally has reached its limit as supplies recover. Trafigura analyst Henry Wang notes increased supply and weak…

Gold continues to be bought

Yesterday at the American session, the investment bank Goldman Sachs, one of the largest in the United States, confirmed its…


21:00 GMT+3 Interest rate in the USA. Fact 5.50%. Forecast 5.50%. 21:30 GMT+3 FOMC press conference. Today, traders and investors…

Copper – also into space

In order to fill the market’s potential copper deficit of 8 million tons by 2034, mining companies need prices above…


At the moment, inflation growth rates in the world’s largest economies remain at a high level. Despite the observed slowdown…

Bitcoin’s new blood

Hong Kong funds are stepping up advertising campaigns for spot Bitcoin ETFs, attracting the attention of Chinese investors. Bloomberg Intelligence…

Nonfarm payrolls

At the beginning of this year, the US economy has been strengthening. This is confirmed by the growth of the…

This rocket will launch soon

Forecasts for 2024 from industry analysts, including The Silver Institute, point to the prospect of a fourth consecutive annual silver…

Signal about the fall of the dollar

Eight months after raising interest rates to the highest in two decades, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and his colleagues…