Cách tiếp cận của người Nhật

Thủ tướng Nhật Bản Fumio Kishida tuyên bố sắp triển khai chính sách kinh tế mới nhằm chủ yếu hỗ trợ người dân trong bối cảnh giá cả tiếp tục tăng. Theo người đứng đầu Chính phủ Nhật Bản, các biện pháp cụ thể sẽ được đưa ra vào giữa tháng sau. Kishida nhấn mạnh…

BBG đề xuất và thị trường loại bỏ

Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), một cơ quan độc lập của Chính phủ Liên bang Hoa Kỳ, kỳ vọng rằng Fed đã hoàn tất việc tăng lãi suất. Fed dự kiến sẽ giữ lãi suất ở mức hiện tại cho đến tháng 6 năm 2024 và bắt đầu cắt giảm lãi suất vào tháng 7…

Trung Quốc đã trở lại cuộc chơi

Trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế Trung Quốc ổn định và đồng nhân dân tệ tăng giá, chính phủ đang dỡ bỏ các hạn chế nhập khẩu vàng vào nước mình. Như hãng thông tấn có thẩm quyền Financial Times lưu ý, điều này có thể gây ra sự biến động gia tăng đối với…

Back in recession

The German Institute for Economic Research is one of the most influential and authoritative. It was founded back in 1925 and has received a huge number of prestigious awards for the best research and forecasts in various sectors of the economy. Today, in an official forecast, the German Economic Institute DIW worsened its forecast for…

Echoes of the impending apocalypse

Birmingham City Council announced on September 5 that it had filed for bankruptcy. From this day on, the city stops all payments and expenses, with the exception of social security obligations. The main reason for the bankruptcy was the legal costs that Birmingham incurred during the consideration of the claim of trade unions, who accused…

Watch out, yen

The Japanese yen has once again depreciated against the dollar and is trading near all-time highs of 150,000. The Japanese regulator continues to keep the interest rate unchanged, despite the growing inflation in the country following the global trend in this indicator. For a long time, the Central Bank of Japan has not raised or…

Bluff or Prediction

US Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller spoke today on the current economic situation in the country, based on economic statistics for the past week. He believes that the situation in the labor market is beginning to soften, and he is not surprised that the unemployment rate has risen, but does not comment on the reasons…

Turkey – a new nugget of Europe

Despite the huge inflation in Turkey and the strong devaluation of the Turkish lira against the US dollar, Turkey can become the leading economic country of the entire Western alliance. In addition to cooperation with Russia, with which agreements were reached yesterday in the field of nuclear and oil energy, the World Bank continues to…

Mixed data in American economy

On Friday, the American economy reported mixed data on the labor market. Unfortunately, even 30,000 new jobs could not tame the impending avalanche of unemployment. This was followed by alarming data on delinquencies: on loans, car loans and cards. The pain is most acute for low-income people, who have largely used what they have been…

Inflation in the EU

Some ECB chiefs have said the latest data for July and August point to a slowdown in the economy in Q3 and may continue to do so in Q4. In addition, they noted that the ECB is in the final stages of raising interest rates, but emphasized the need to work to bring inflation back…