How to become a participant:
Detailed conditions of the competition
1. The duration of the Contest is from February 5 to March 3, 2024.
2. The Contest is valid only for Clients of the Company who have passed verification.
3. The starting balance of Contest accounts is 500 USD for all participants.
4. To participate in the Competition you should:
4.1. Register on the Company’s website www.onebidasset.com and undergo KYC-verification.
4.2. Maintain balances on real trading accounts of at least 50 USD during the period of participation in the Contest.
4.3. Open a Contest trading account in your Personal Area.
4.4. Subscribe to ONEBID social networks – Facebook / Instagram.
4.5. Send your nickname and Contest account number in a private message on Facebook / Instagram for publication in the list of winners.
5. Automated trading on Contest accounts is not allowed.
6. A necessary requirement for all Contest participants is to complete a daily minimum trading turnover of at least 5 orders. An order is considered to be the opening and closing of a transaction.
7. By the end of each Contest, all orders must be closed.
8. Nominations:
300 USD Best trading result for the period
300 USD The largest number of profitable orders
200 USD Best average result per order*
100 USD Maximum profit from one order
100 USD No losing orders*
*It is possible to claim a prize in these nominations if the client trades during the entire contest week.
9. The results of the winners of each completed Contest are published on our Instagram and Facebook pages every Tuesday.
10. The reward to the winners is paid to the trading account within two business days after the list of winners is published.
11. On March 5, based on the results of four weeks of Contests, the absolute winners of each category will be announced and will receive additional prizes:
300 USD Best trading result for the period
300 USD The largest number of profitable orders
200 USD Best average result per order*
100 USD Maximum profit from one order
100 USD No losing orders*
12. To prevent abuse of the terms of the Contest, the Company reserves the right, without warning, at any time at its discretion, to refuse participation in the Contest due to a violation of the rules of this Contest.
13. By participating in the Contest, the Client confirms that he has read and fully agrees with these terms of the Contest and undertakes not to send the Company any claims regarding the rules of the Contest or the measures taken by the Company in accordance with these terms.